Monday, December 31, 2012

38 weeks 6 days STILL Pregnant and Mommy Jitters

It is 3:49am and I am scheduled to have my c section today. I am sooo tired but too nervous to sleep. In a few hours my life will completely change. I will be responsible for 2 lives. I am really nervous. I've never been a mom before and my mom wont be here until January 4. I told my dad that I'm getting cold feet about giving birth and being a Mommy and he made a joke about me being a run away pregnant woman. That made me laugh. I really needed that.

I feel for my husband. I think my nerves and hormones have brought the beast out of me. I am an emotional wreck! Lord, please help me.

Friday, November 9, 2012

31 weeks 3 days preggers

Boy has it been a busy week. I had my second baby shower this past weekend and then, yesterday, my coworkers through me another (thats number 3) baby shower at work. My mom and sister came this weekend and helped me clean and organize the nursery. We even put one crib together. My mom purchased both carseats. Praise God!

FYI- I am 8 months post relaxer and in the picture below, you can see that it looks like my hair is freshly relaxed. She washed, pressed and then flat ironed and I love it.

Today I went to my doctor appointment and learned that the babies are now 3.5 pounds. They are healthy and all is well. My cervix is also closed. I decided to get a tuberculosis skin test since I refuse to get any vaccinations. On my way to the doctor's today, I hit a deer! Really messed up the right front site of my bumper but I praise God that I'm not hurt and my babies are fine.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

29 weeks pregnant

Today I saw my daughter yawning on the sonogram screen. It was soooo cute! I am so grateful that God is allowing me to experience this. Right now both my babies are breeched. Their heads are right next to each other and my son continually kicks me in my lower pelvis area (quite uncomfortable). My next formal anatomy scan is in 2 weeks.  My nights vary. Sometime I get a good night sleep and other times I wake up 3 or 4 times a night to use the bathroom.

My husband is beyond cute! He keeps kissing my belly and talking to them. He's really looking forward to being a dad. I am grateful that we get to experience being parents for the first time,together. I am currently working on a scrapbook for the babies. I am not the most creative person but my cousin made one for me and it was sooo cute so I want my twins to have one.

My belly measured 41 cm and I gained about 36 pounds so far.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

27w6d Preggers

Tomorrow marks the first day of the third trimester! Praise God for allowing me to make it this far without any issues!!! I went to the doctor last week and he said my belly is measuring 35cm the size of a fullterm singleton pregnancy. People tell me that I dont look very big but I've gained 33 pounds so far. I just pray that my babies are a healthy weight.


I am definitely more tired than normal and easily winded. When i lift my right hand in a vertical position, I feel tingling. I attribute this to slight carpal tunnel syndrome. My doctor said I can get an arm brace if I want, but currently, it is tolerable. My son is kicking like crazy in my lower pelvis area. Yesterday, when I was laying down, it felt like he was brushing against my stomach (I pray that he was turning head down). It was quite painful. My daughter moves every now and then. I have not had too much swelling thank GOD. I attribute this to the fact that I telework 2 days per week which allows me to put my feet up often.

I find that when i overeat, my stomach feels EXTRA full and tight. It is very uncomfortable. So I've resorted to slight grazing on more healthy foods like greek yogurt and fruit.

The nursery has been painted and I stocked their closet with their baby clothes and other stuff I received from the shower. The next step is to post the tree decal and purchase the cribs.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

25w1d Baby Shower and Pregnancy Blues

This past weekend, My hubby and I went to my hometown for our babyshower. It was such a great time and I loved seeing my family and friends. We received a lot of clothing, blankets, etc as well as the Duo Glider Stroller, baby monitor, and 2 Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleepers. We are now planning the Shower for the area where we currently live. My best friend and sister are helping me. The theme will be Autumn :)  I am looking forward to this.

I guess I am entering the more uncomfortable stage of pregnancy. Trying to get comfortable enough to sleep is definitely a challenge. Then when I can sleep, I randomly wake up at like 2 am sometimes to use the bathroom and sometimes for no reason at all. I am exhausted and my hands are tingling. I am also breathless a lot more than normal. Yesterday, the babies were moving non-stop all day. I feel their kicks getting stronger. It felt like a mini earthquake in my belly. That is a blessing.

My discomfort is affecting my mood. Because I'm tired, I dont smile unless I feel forced. My patience is very small and I'll cry at the drop of a dime.

Although this situation sucks right now. It'll be worth it the day I see their beautiful faces. I am praying and claiming that I will carry them until full term and they will be healthy and happy.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Alien Belly! Yikes!

Today I was leaning back on my love seat and I felt one of the babies moving  A LOT! SO I looked at my belly and for the first time I was able to see the movements from the outside of my belly! I did what I always do when I feel any emotion. I laughed hysterically. I then looked again and was kind of freaked out!! It was kind of creepy seeing something from the outside move from the inside. I decided to just close my robe. Right now I am trying to get my mind used to thought of seeing them move. Its making me a bit squirmish.


22wks 2days preg with Twins

I went to the perinatologist Tuesday and he noted that he is 85% sure that baby B is indeed a girl meaning that they are indeed fraternal. This is great because that means that none of my hard work was done in vain. I am sooo grateful to have a healthy pregnancy. I am praying that I can carry them to full term. They are still moving like crazy which I am starting to get used to. The main issue I''ve been having is heartburn and difficulty sleeping. A few nights ago I woke up at 4am (I dont know why) and was not able to go back to sleep. It sucked because I was exhausted that whole day.

On another note I decided to change my regular OB. This is the 4th time I'm switching and I'm hoping I won't have to do so again. I liked my last OB but she was just too inexperienced with twin pregnancies and relied heavily on recommendations from the perinatologist for my care, which is okay; however, I would prefer to have an OB with more experience in addition to my perinatologist.

I am definitely growing into my pregnancy. I've gained 26 pounds and 7 inches on my abdomen. I am currently 41 inches (measured from my back to belly button). It looks like I'm forming the infamous watermelon belly (yikes!).