Friday, November 9, 2012

31 weeks 3 days preggers

Boy has it been a busy week. I had my second baby shower this past weekend and then, yesterday, my coworkers through me another (thats number 3) baby shower at work. My mom and sister came this weekend and helped me clean and organize the nursery. We even put one crib together. My mom purchased both carseats. Praise God!

FYI- I am 8 months post relaxer and in the picture below, you can see that it looks like my hair is freshly relaxed. She washed, pressed and then flat ironed and I love it.

Today I went to my doctor appointment and learned that the babies are now 3.5 pounds. They are healthy and all is well. My cervix is also closed. I decided to get a tuberculosis skin test since I refuse to get any vaccinations. On my way to the doctor's today, I hit a deer! Really messed up the right front site of my bumper but I praise God that I'm not hurt and my babies are fine.